hud* dca* accessibilty consultants
APPROVED CONSULTANTS FOR HUD & DCA COMPLIANCE & ACCESSIBILITY CONSULTINGI, Angela Averitt, owner of Financial Field Services, LLC, have been employed as an independent consultant for DCA, Department of Community Affairs, since 2013 and have been assigned over 150 projects that included 4% & 9% LIHTC Final Inspections & Interim Inspections as well as HOME Funded monthly inspections.
I also work with HUD, Department of Housing and Development, since 2005, performing over 250 projects ranging from $1,000,000 to $60 million per project. Presently I have 15 projects for Accessibility Consulting to confirm the projects meet all the Federal Standards and Laws for ADA, UFAS (Sec.504) and Fair Housing requirements.
Please scroll though the pages labeled above for your particular interest to review all the requirements that I meet in all the HUD, DCA and Accessibility Guidelines. You can contact me at [email protected]. OR 706-718-4444 Thank You! |